
Friday, December 28, 2012

Tutorial 2 : Head PART ONE...

After you do all these details you drop the opacity to 20-30% and redraw what you have done but a lot cleaner. That way adding in a bit more detail and making your final line will be much easier.

Tutorial: Body

Sorry if you can't read my writing... I was rushing. :I

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Presents! Not Done! ; - ;

I'll have another picture up with all of them finished and colored~

Gifts Progress :

Kiki Done
Justine Done
Chen Done
RinChu Done
Duduk-Chan Done
Miku Done
Fifi Done
Long Done
Andrew Done

I'm almost finished with all your presents! I'm sorry if they come a bit late! ; - ; I might be able to color them to make them look better! They are all chibis but I tried to make them cute and based off of something you like! I hope you all like them...

Friday, December 21, 2012

This Type Of Person

I have this one friend who likes me a little too much. I turned him down because his reason was stupid. Now he thinks he understands me. This really angers me. He tries to support me and the person I like. He doesn't even know who it is. At least I hope not... He also brings up some things that were not true. Like hating him or me not wanting to talk to him. Shit brotha I was stressed those days. If you couldn't see that, you can't really understand me. Don't fall for the "you're my little sister! of course!" thing. He wants you.

I also really hate when you don't spell things out completely or finish a sentence. How hard is it to spell out the word "you"? It's a three letter word. Y, O, U. Yeah, I'm kind of being a grammar nazi here, but it isn't that hard to spell out a word correctly. Punctuation too. I often forget sometimes, but doing this on purpose really annoys me.

Now, for you people trying to talk to the person you like : Don't ask them if they want you to stop bothering them. I mean, if they didn't want to talk to you, they most likely wouldn't have replied. They might even go offline on chat. And if they replied, they might say something like "oh i gtg. sorry". And don't be all kiss-up to them. That shit is creepy. If they say they don't want something....THEY DON'T WANT THAT SHIT.

For the people who know me...this attitude and language seems not to fit me... It sure does. My height and voice are small, but I'm not really the type to act cute. Swears may not sound right coming out of my mouth, but it's going to happen. This is why you need to get to know someone before you judge them. Some may look big and buff but act cute. Odd, right? But that's like my problem. Short, voice too soft and high-pitched...acts more mature than most people and will cuss someone out if angry.

If you actually read this, thanks for understanding and what the fuck?

an old friend talked to me! yayyyy

i liked him for a while. then he moved :c

idk. he started talking to me randomly. yesterday too o_o

we haven't talk to each other in over a year. it's REALLY awkward. LOOOL

he has a girlfriend.... ok... ; 3 ;

Worst Art Block Ever.....

It has been 2 hours now...just sitting here staring at my screen. I can't think of what to draw, and when i try to start, I can't continue. It's almost Christmas time and I cant make everyone their presents. Family isn't too much of a problem since I can just make them sweets and share with everybody. But I wanted to draw for my online buddies. But I can't. Fuck this.

I searched on Google for how to cure this. Scribbling DOES NOT HELP ME. Looking at other's works DOES NOT HELP ME.

Well...I'm going to go watch some anime and be sad for a very long time....Please understand if I don't get the present for you on time.

People Who I'm Drawing For:
Kiki Done
Justine Done
Duduk-Chan Done

Monday, December 17, 2012

Ameba Pico is gone :|

Since it was December 17 I decided to check if pico was still up... I guess not...
Firefox was what I usually played pico on and it could reload tabs. So here, it tries to connect to pico but fails...

This is on my other browser. I usually never reload tabs and so I tried to get on pico by typing it in. Doesn't work. At first I thought that maybe they forgot to close the website. But Firefox gets you to the site directly I guess.

Bye Pico. I'll miss you ; 3 ; bastards took my happiness away from me...

Friday, December 7, 2012


To get into Server 11, you need to look for the server list button in the top bar. It is above the game.
Click on the server list button.
 You should see something like this.
 Click the triangle. The blue thing that I circled.
 It should open something like this. There is something at the bottom that should say 1/2 >. Click the triangle.
 You should see (S11)Victory Plain where I showed you in this picture. Click on that. You should enter the game where you make a name for your character and choose your class and gender. Warrior, priest, mage, or ranger.
Good luck @__@